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Empowering Pregnant and Breastfeeding Parents in the Workplace: The Journey and Vision Behind MumPod

  • By: paralleladmin
  • Posted on: 23rd July 2024

An interview between The IVFN’s Carolina Alexandra and Founder of MumPod, Rosamund McFadden

In today’s corporate landscape, supporting new and expecting parents is more important than ever. One individual who has dedicated her career to transforming how workplaces accommodate and support breastfeeding mothers is Rosamund McFadden, the founder of MumPod. Rosamund has utilised her unique experiences and expertise to create a comprehensive solution that addresses the needs of breastfeeding parents in the workplace. In this interview, between The IVFN’s Carolina Alexandra and Rosamund, we hear why implementing a breastfeeding-friendly policy in the workplace is crucial for companies striving to foster an inclusive and supportive work environment.

  • Rosamund, would you mind telling me a little about yourself and how you came to understand and become an expert on the subject of breastfeeding?

I come from a diverse background! I originally studied fashion and design, worked in merchandising, where I worked in-house for corporates including Berketex, The Burton Group and Argos Retial. During my corporate career I realised the times I felt undervalued at work was particularly during the periods when I was pregnant. I remember going back to work with my first baby at 8 weeks, and no one ever asking me how I was feeding and if I needed any support. A particular low point was when I was 6 weeks pregnant with my fourth child and after returning from sick-leave I found myself in front of my line manager and HR for a meeting that was intended to push me out of the company with a compromise agreement and NDA. These stories are more common than we would like to think!

Having to agreed to the money and gagging order and leaving the corporate world, I was at an event where I met a breastfeeding counsellor. I had breastfed all of my children with varying degrees of success and this triggered my interest in knowing more about how it impacts the health of both parent and child. I knew I wanted to help inform and educate parents in the subject of breastfeeding in a way that would support them to meet their breastfeeding goals in any form this may take.

  • And what are your qualifications in this area?

I have a BSc Hons Degree in Midwifery and I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). I am an expert in the field of infant feeding and was an infant feeding lead Midwife in the NHS before moving into private practice in 2018.

  • So, when did you start MumPod?

About 2 years ago. After leaving the NHS, I secured a place on the NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator program. I started brainstorming ideas about initiatives to support breastfeeding beyond maternity leave. Whilst in a meeting pod discussing my ideas with potential collaborators I had the lightbulb moment! My years of corporate work, design, midwifery, and passion around infant feeding all came together- “what we need is a MumPod” and the innovation was born. We support every parent’s feeding journey- and for those who wish to continue breastfeeding for as long as they wish, or until the baby naturally weans we understand that this requires employers and service providers to accommodate this and this is where MumPod products and consulting come into play.

  • Could you tell me more about the several different aspects of MumPod: You offer solutions for employers to support pregnant/ breastfeeding employees and visitors; you offer a standalone pod; and there is also a consulting aspect your business; and there are even gift boxes- could you run me through the different offerings?

We provide a Product- the MumPod®. It is a private space promoting relaxation, rest, and calm. In this environment stress levels fall, enabling increases in the hormones; oxytocin and prolactin, which are optimal for expressing or breastfeeding. Our gift boxes are full of carefully selected useful products for both parent and baby, are designed for maternity leave, baby’s arrival and return to work, sourced from women led SMEs.

We also help shape Policy via MumPod® Consulting. Companies have found that rather than dealing with each parent on a case-by-case basis, having a policy in place for all the needs of an employee on or returning from maternity leave gives clarity for line managers offering a supportive environment for parents. This ranges from basic best practice (such as entitling breastfeeding parents to a rest break) to fully integrating a breastfeeding into the maternity policy.

And lastly, we provide Education around the need. Through our courses, we educate both the pregnant parents and those who would be implementing the policies (such as HR teams or line managers). We educate in the positive impact supporting pregnant/new parents positively impacts the business as a whole- including staff retention rates and closing the gender pay gap.

  • Why is it important for companies to consider implementing breastfeeding solutions into their workplace?

The World Health Organisation advises exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and to continue breastfeeding along with introducing solids 12 months. However, there are health and wellbeing benefits for 2 years or beyond and if a mother doesn’t express breastmilk, her supply will reduce and impacting on maintaining breastmilk for her child.

This suggests that it is in the best interest of both mother and child that they give the opportunity to express breastmilk for as long as she chooses to. With working new mothers making up a significant proportion of the workforce, there should be considerable measures in place to support them during the first few weeks, months or years after childbirth.

  • Why should employer be concerned about supporting their pregnant colleagues or new parents?

If a company is shown to be supportive of breastfeeding, they could realise a 95% improvement of retention figures. In addition, a reduction in sick leave, staff turnover, and gender pay gap. That is significant. What is perhaps most significant is that when a parent is not struggling or stressed about expressing and breastfeeding, their mental health is improved, their physical health is improved, and their infant’s health is improved.

  • What are some interesting statistics that would support in your view the need and value for companies to embrace breastfeeding friendly policies?

The most vital statistics are the ones which highlight the need. For example, if you consider that over 80% of birthing parents plan to breastfeed and 90% of breastfeeding parents who gave up breastfeeding, actually did not wish to give up- this suggests a disconnect in fulfilment. Specifically, 1 in 8 mothers end up giving up breastfeeding their baby on account of returning to work. Imagine if all companies had breastfeeding-friendly policies and a private space to express? That statistic would significantly reduce. Yet when you consider that we our last national breastfeeding survey took place in 2010, this is clearly not on the national agenda.

  • What sort of organisations so far have benefitted from partnering with MumPod?

We have a presence and impact in the public sector, private sector and transport sector. This cuts across key industries in a way that impacts the widest range of people.

  • What sort of advice could you give to HR teams who are curious about how to make their company cultures more welcoming to new parents- but don’t know where to start?

As a starting point. I would invite them to identify their advocates. This could be a peer network, or it could be mentoring from people who have been in their position. These advocates could be given small projects in researching the need within the company, or as users themselves can give feedback. I would then suggest they establish who the stakeholders are- who in the organisation would advocate and invest in initiatives to meet these needs.

Another approach would be ‘10 Questions for HR’. This would cover “What would you do if?” in order to look at what policies are already in place and then determine what they improve or extend beyond the status quo. The questions would also include “What employee rights do they have to meet?” Suggesting signposting to relevant organisations like Maternity Action, Pregnant Then Screwed and ACAS for a holistic understanding of the context and appreciation of what is at stake.

  • How would adopting a breastfeeding-friendly policy impact Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?

Diversity is impacted because people have a diverse range of needs to express or breastfeed, and the nature of this need would be diverse. Therefore, a policy which recognises this reflects an organisation that is truly invested in supporting diversity. Equity is impacted when a company shows they are fair by not sexually discriminating (the need to express is fundamentally a bodily function, similar to the need to go to the bathroom). Inclusion is impacted because implementing support for pregnant and new parents demonstrates that everyone will have equity by accessing the same opportunities and not being excluded from promotions or missing out on opportunities their male counterparts are offered or have available!

Thank you Rosamund. If you would like more information about MumPod and The IVFN please read on below.

About MumPod®

Founder, Rosamund McFadden created MumPod® to improve health and wellbeing by enabling parents to breastfeed for longer. MumPod Company offers solutions for organisations to support their pregnant and breastfeeding employees, visitors and service users. MumPod® is an easily accessible stand-alone pod that offers a comfortable, private space for pregnant or breastfeeding parents to put up their feet and REST, EXPRESS or BREASTFEED.

MumPod Consulting is a comprehensive consultancy service establishing your needs to ensure the inclusivity of pregnant or breastfeeding employees, customers or service users. Whether you have comprehensive measures and policies in place, or you are looking to implement new initiatives we can help you find the solutions to your needs. Our MumPod Gift Boxes offer gift solutions beyond the usual bunch of flowers for staff going on maternity leave, when their baby arrives, and when they are returning to work.

About The IVFN

Who We Are: The IVFN provides invaluable resources and a supportive community for individuals interested in reproductive health and especially for those navigating fertility challenges. We understand that facing fertility issues can feel overwhelming, but we believe that with the right support and information, they can feel in control throughout your journey. 

As the UK’s fastest-expanding fertility community, we offer global content from the top specialists, tailored to anyone seeking information or support regarding fertility health. Our membership has been curated by individuals who have personally experienced various fertility challenges, ensuring that our resources address the essential elements for achieving family success and understanding fertility prognoses.

What We Offer: We prioritise patient-centred care and emotional support. While we do not provide medical recommendations, testing, or financial support, we offer something of greater significance: a strong sense of community, access to comprehensive and topical content, and opportunities to engage with leading global fertility and holistic experts through monthly events. Our educative and informative content from the top experts, is the ideal starting point before embarking on consultations.

Why We Are of Value: Balancing a career and reproductive health can feel overwhelming. Many employees who experience fertility challenges or who want to start a family feel unsupported at work. They are reluctant to discuss with line managers for fear of missing out on opportunities. Having a robust fertility policy and supportive environment can improve sick leave, staff retention, and work satisfaction. It can also attract a more diverse workforce and improve DEI. Not to mention that it will relieve the anxiety and improvement of mental health of these colleagues!